Dai Viet Saigon College announces the opening of the Continuing Education (CME) course on Basic Infection Control - Course 01/2024
Dai Viet Saigon College announces the opening of the Infection Control Continuing Education (CME) course - Course 02/2024, specifically as follows:
1. Opening time: 18:30 on September 25, 2024 (expected)
2. Study time: 24 periods
3. Training form:
- Theory: Online on Google Meet software.
- Practice: Students practice at their work unit.
4. Course content:
- General information on infection control in medical facilities
- Routine hand hygiene
- Use of personal protective equipment
- Principles of disinfection - sterilization
- Infection prevention in injection and handling of occupational exposure
Link to join the class group: https://zalo.me/g/hohutj757
*Registration form:
- Submit application and register directly at: Medical Human Resources Training and Development Center of Dai Viet Saigon College (Address: 326A Nguyen Trong Tuyen, Ward 01, Tan Binh District, Ho Chi Minh City).
For further information, please contact:
Dr. Huynh Thi Nhu Ngoc, Mobile: 0912 115 175; Email: cme-a111@daivietsaigon.edu.vn;
Admissions Consultant, Center for Training and Development of Medical Human Resources./.